Navigating Parties: Diabetic Edition

Navigating Parties: Diabetic Edition

A party? For those of us living with dietary restrictions, oftentimes parties seem like a drag instead of a good time.

Let's face it, most of the time the host is serving a spread of carbs as far as the eye can see! And let's not forget dessert: enter sugary cake.

Whether it's the ramped up holiday season with back-to-back office parties and shindigs, or spring/summer times fueled by weddings and grad parties - it's possible to celebrate and keep healthy.

Managing Stress

Not-so-fun fact: high stress can actually spike your blood sugar levels! There's always that one family instigator causing drama at the Thanksgiving table - take a moment to practice simple breathing exercises to work through the moment!

Pre-Party Planning

Eat a snack before you go! There's nothing worse than going to a party hungry - this can often lead to overeating or overindulging in food that doesn't align with your health priorities.

Guest Goodies

Don't be afraid to bring your favorite diabetic/keto friendly dish, or even better - KBLA goodies! You never know, there may be other guests with the same dietary restrictions. You might make someone else's day or introduce them to something new!

Take Precautions

Bring a designated party buddy with you (if you can have a plus 1)! It's often easier to have a friend or partner around to hold you accountable and keep an eye out in the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstances.

Don't be afraid to tell the host you're diabetic! This may provide an opportunity to educate and share knowledge about diabetes and may provide some insight on future party planning.

Lastly, be sure to monitor your blood sugar levels before, during, and after (do we even need to mention that?)!

Parties don't have to be scary - you can still have a great time and stay on track. Here's to a spook-tacular holiday season!

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